Life Space Crisis Intervention

Talking with Students in Conflict

Second Edition
Nicholas J. Long | Mary M. Wood | Frank A. Fechser
  • Product Code 9207 ( MR #024566 )

Price $53.00  $19.95

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*Available while supplies last. (Final Sale)

Here’s a professional resource for educators, psychologists, and counselors that focuses on Life Space Crisis Intervention, a strategy to help guide young people through stressful experiences.
The second edition of this important book offers a significant breakthrough in teaching professionals the unique skills of interviewing children and youth during interpersonal crises. Part One prepares an adult to deal with all aspects of student stress. Part Two teaches the six sequential steps involved in carrying out successful Life Space Crisis Intervention, based on Fritz Redl’s concepts. Part Three describes the six types of therapeutic Life Space Crisis Interventions that are typical for and beneficial to students in conflict. This book is a must for special educators, counselors, principals, child care workers, social workers, probation workers, and psychologists who work with students who have special needs.