Discover Growth & Changes in Plants and Animals

Ed Simpson
  • Grades 2 - 4
  • Ages 7 - 9
  • Pages 188
  • Product Code 0104 ( MR #041349 )

Price $25.95

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*Available while supplies last. (Final Sale)

This is a resource designed to introduce your students to a study of growth and changes in both plants and animals. The idea is to have your students actually take a closer look at plants and animals, hopefully, discovering in the process, things that they have never noticed before. Thankfully, plants are common to every school property and nearly everyone has access to a tree, the largest of all plants. As far as animals are concerned, most children are very interested in the growth and changes that take place in different types of animals. Observing these changes up close can be a powerful learning experience for all of your students.

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