- Ages 3 - 6
- Grades PreK - 1
Product Code 35018 ( MR #064151 )
Price $105.00
Simple, engaging pictures help children link words to ideas and learn more than 160 essential concepts.
The full-color illustrations reflect the experiences of preschoolers and the vocabulary reflects words they hear every day. The durable, large-size cards are perfect for little hands.
Eight categories of age-appropriate, high-frequency concepts are presented:
•attributes (e.g., loud, quiet, old, young)
•colors, shapes, and numbers (e.g., yellow, square, numbers 1 through 5)
•emotions and feelings (e.g., happy, sad, surprised)
•functional and social (e.g., no, yes, mine)
•position (e.g., inside, outside, under, over)
•quantity (e.g., empty, some, many)
•size (e.g., big, bigger, biggest)
•temporal (e.g., night, day, before, after)
The set includes 240 cards and gives you lots of flexible stimuli to:
•expand receptive and expressive vocabulary
•develop descriptive language
•improve auditory comprehension
•teach pronouns, verb tense, and plurals
•increase length of utterances
•develop question asking and answering
•improve thinking and reasoning