Working With Kids Who Bully

New Perspectives on Prevention and Intervention

Walter B. Roberts, Jr.
  • Pages 304
  • Product Code 9781506333878 ( MR #065330 )

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Shifting our thinking to help break the cycle of bullying

We all know bullying impacts the academic and emotional lives of our young people. We see it in our schools and hear about it in the news. If we know it’s a problem, why is it still happening? Often it’s because we fail to address the individuals at the heart of the problem—the kids who engage in the behavior. In Working With Kids Who Bully Walter Roberts challenges us to shift our thinking about these youth and offers innovative approaches to help kids pull back from and stop bullying. Readers will find:

• Information on a range of topics impacting schools today, including cyberbullying, relational aggression, mediation, building empathy, and bibliomedia therapy
• Strategies and sample dialogue to use when intervening with kids who bully
• Diagrams and charts to clarify suggested approaches

Written by one of the nation’s foremost experts on bullying, this is a book designed to stimulate change and ultimately help create safer learning environments for all kids.

  • Copyright 2016