The Intelligent, Responsive Leader

Steven Katz | Lisa Ain Dack | John Malloy
  • Pages 192
  • Copyright 2017
  • Product Code 9781506333151 ( MR #066656 )

Price $29.95

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Jump start your roles as “learning leader” and “lead learner!”

Designed for leaders to learn and lead within the “middle space” between the seemingly opposing dynamics of district expectations and practitioner experience, this book advances the concept of the school as a learning organization. This innovative perspective guides leaders through an intentional, deliberate learning process to develop intelligent, responsive leadership practice. Using stories, strategies, and tools, the authors:
  • Explain the power of “purposeful practice” as a methodology for getting better
  • Show how to build the requisite capacities to lead effectively via “influence”
  • Describe how to turn adaptive challenges into leadership inquiries for growth

  • Sample

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