Helping Kids Manage Grief, Fear, and Anger

Terry Akin | David Cowan | Susanna Palomares | Dianne Schilling
  • Grades 3 - 8
  • Pages 120
  • Product Code 11651 ( MR #031965 )

Price $26.00

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*Available while supplies last. (Final Sale)

Helping Kids Manage Grief, Fear, and Anger contains effective experiences for helping children understand and cope with three intense emotions which, left unmanaged, can lead to deep psychological disturbances and/or inappropriate acting-out behaviors. With this collection of activities and ready-to-use blackline masters, you can help children explore, understand, and express their feelings in safe and acceptable ways. Special emphasis is placed on learning to make positive behavioral choices in response to feelings of grief, fear, and anger. This easy-to-use, yet powerful collection of experiences and information can have far ranging beneficial effects—both as an effective prevention program and a tool for immediate intervention.

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