Preschool | EDUCATION

From Conflict to Conciliation

How to Defuse Difficult Situations

William W. Purkey | John J. Schmidt | John M. Novak
  • Grades PreK - 12
  • Product Code 9781412979863 ( MR #052659 )

Price $39.95

$37.95 (quantity of 10-24)

$35.96 (quantity of 25+)

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Don't let conflict get in the way of meaningful collaboration!

Conflict is inevitable, but educators can work together effectively if they understand how to defuse difficult situations before they escalate. This resource describes the Six-C process, a conflict resolution method that allows educators to take progressively more assertive steps as necessary to resolve disagreements.
Based on research and easy to remember, this approach helps readers handle challenging situations using the least amount of time and energy. Illustrated with many examples and scenarios, the six steps are:
  • Concern: identifying actionable concerns
  • Confer: expressing concerns in nonthreatening ways
  • Consult: reviewing and clarifying the situation collaboratively
  • Confront: considering consequences and giving clear warnings
  • Combat: taking sustained, logical action
  • Conciliation: mending the wounds and restoring relationships
Focused on preserving relationships while resolving disagreements, From Conflict to Conciliation can be used in any situation or setting, from the classroom to the community.

  • Pages 184
  • Copyright 2010