book with CD
Judy Rudebusch
  • Ages 5 - 18
  • Grades K - Adult
  • Pages 157
  • Format 8.5" x 11"
  • Product Code 31729 ( MR #066155 )


How does RTI affect SLP services? What is my role? Where do I start?

Find answers in this Source that discusses the principles and implementation of RTI, then brings it down to the real world with examples of appropriate interventions for specific speech-language conditions at each tier.
This resource brings the RTI issues together in an easy-to-understand format. You'll learn:
  • why the RTI movement started and why it's important in special education
  • specific implications for SLPs
  • eight core principles of RTI that are essential for developing a strong school infrastructure and providing effective instruction for every student
  • about RTI and the Three-Tier Model of School Support, including the key elements that need to be included at each tier and activities SLPs can implement at each tier
  • about RTI and data-driven decisions, including how to use data from assessments to make decisions about intervention, the importance of integrated data management tools, which data is best to use at each tier, and the SLP's role in RTI data
  • how RTI problem-solving teams work, how to staff them, activities to use in a problem-solving process, and the role of the SLP in problem solving
  • about RTI and special education eligibility determination, including specific information about speech-language evaluations and how to determine the appropriate amount of intervention
  • the range of speech and language services, both direct and indirect, that may be considered in a three-tier RTI model
  • special education services with RTI, the four critical components needed to improve teaching and learning in schools, the impact of continuous improvement plans on student performance in special education, school case studies, and the impact of continuous improvement in speech-language pathology
Copy the activity pages or print them from the CD. Extra helps include:
  • intervention and progress-monitoring forms
  • referral, scheduling, and evaluation forms
  • decision trees
  • classroom analysis worksheets

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