Language Instruction for Students With Disabilities

Fourth Edition
Edward A. Polloway | Lynda Miller | Tom E.C. Smith
  • Product Code 14634 ( MR #066302 )

*DISCONTINUED (*NEW EDITION in Alternatives below)

Language Instruction for Students With Disabilities–Fourth Edition examines language and its components and suggests instructional strategies for responding to language-related difficulties especially among children and adolescents who have been identified as students with disabilities.
The fourth edition of this text builds on the foundations of earlier editions in the areas of oral language, reading, and written language and is revised to reflect current research across the specific domains covered within the language area. This book is intended to be used as a text for coursework in teacher education training programs, with particular emphasis on classes related to language acquisition, language arts instruction, curriculum and methods, and evidence-based practices. Special attention is given to cultural and linguistic diversity, social-pragmatic aspects of language, and adolescents with language disabilities.