Assisting Survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury

The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists

Second Edition
Karen Hux
  • Target Group All Ages
  • Product Code 13429 ( MR #053791 )

*DISCONTINUED (*NEW EDITION in Alternatives below)

How does one assist people with traumatic brain injury when often it is essentially a “hidden disability,” and the person affected is virtually indistinguishable from noninjured people? This book prepares graduate students and practicing speech–language pathologists in serving people with TBI. It is organized into three sections:

1. Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury:
Includes definitions, epidemiology, injury severity, and mechanism of injury.

2. Understanding the Role of Speech– Language Pathologists: Discusses the major disorders associated with TBI, including coma and posttraumatic amnesia, cognitive-communication impairments, motor speech disorders, and swallowing disorders.

3. Understanding Reintegration: Provides guidance regarding pertinent issues and effective methods of transitioning survivors into family, community, educational, and vocational settings.

Many survivors of TBI along with their families have also shared real life stories and experiences.